Dementia is a starting point, not an end point

During my recent book tour through the United States, I was privileged to speak with Lori La Bey on Alzheimer’s Speaks Radio/Podcast. We discussed the key messages in each of my books, on three separate episodes of the show. You can listen to our conversation about my book Can Adventure Prevent Dementia here.

If you missed my first interview with Lori about the prequel, In Search of My Father, you can listen to it here.

As I mentioned in my earlier Health-e-Byte, Alzheimer’s Speaks is an uplifting and educational podcast covering all things Alzheimer’s and other dementias. Launched in 2011, it was the first dementia-specific radio program in the world. Lori created Alzheimer’s speaks while caring for her mother, Dorothy, who lived with Alzheimer’s for 30 years. Lori’s goal was to shift dementia care from crisis to comfort, and she has done this with incredible insight and compassion, by giving everyone touched by Alzheimer’s a platform to share their stories, lessons, research and resources. Lori’s authenticity and empathy create a safe and encouraging environment for her guests to speak honestly and openly as her audience listens in.

If you or someone you know has been diagnosed with Alzheimer’s, or is caring for someone with dementia, I encourage you to explore the Alzheimer’s Speaks podcast and the many resources on

Please share this HEB with anyone who wants to understand more about Alzheimer’s, or who would benefit from support on their care-giving journey. From personal experience, I’ve found that all carers need ongoing support, even if they think they can go it alone.

Photo credit: I took this photo at The Minneapolis Sculpture Garden in front of the Walker Art Center. Minneapolis is the home of Alzheimer’s Speaks Radio/Podcast.



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