Many people have asked me what was the most interesting thing I learned at the Alzheimer Europe conference in Geneva. It was the impact of noise pollution on our physical health. A 14-year study [...]
Why don’t we ever hear about the brain functions that IMPROVE with age? Yes, that’s right. Everything does NOT go downhill as we get older. Some — and only some — aspects of brain function may [...]
After last week’s HEB about replacing chips with nuts, I received a deluge of questions from people with nut allergies. The crux of their questions was: what’s the best thing to snack on if you [...]
We have long known that people in their 70s and 80s who walk at a slower pace, die younger. Research has now revealed that injuries aside, walking more slowly in our 40s is also associated with [...]
Recently I read a fascinating book titled Long Live the Queen – 23 Rules for Living from Britain’s Longest Reigning Monarch by Bryan Kozlowski. I knew nothing about the Queen’s health [...]