Do you put the toilet seat down before you flush? Flushing the toilet can produce a plume of vapour that travels faster than 2 metres per second (6.6 feet) and reaches a height of 1.5 metres [...]
When I was in California in June this year, I had the pleasure of meeting Ruth Stevens, author of the book and stage play, Stage Seven (which refers to the seventh stage of Alzheimer’s), a [...]
I took this photo of the Picasso painting, Les Demoiselles d’Avignon, when I visited the Museum of Modern Art (MOMA) in New York earlier this year. The title refers to sex workers in Barcelona’s [...]
Consuming alcohol on an aircraft is an underestimated health risk, especially on long haul flights. The higher a plane flies, the lower the atmospheric pressure inside the aircraft. To counteract [...]
After my recent Health-e-Byte about anger causing damage to our blood vessels, I was asked, ‘Is it just the stuff of movies, or can someone really die of a broken heart?’ The answer is: yes, [...]
At the end of April 2024, I’ve been invited to give three presentations at the Alzheimer’s Disease International (ADI) conference in Krakow, Poland. The goals of ADI are: To educate people about [...]
Why is every soft drink a bullet to our brain? How do our muscles affect our memory? Can our beliefs really affect our biology? Fresh from the Alzheimer’s Association International Conference in [...]
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