Roll with the punches

Recently I had a spirited conversation with Australian boxer, coach and motivational speaker, Tiffanee Cook on her podcast Roll with the Punches. We talked about what it takes to be truly [...]

Be careful what you think

Be careful what you think — our assumptions about ageing actually influence how we age. Harvard University psychologist Ellen Langer tested whether cultural stereotypes contributed to memory [...]

Turn Gripes into Gifts

Whenever I feel disappointed or encounter a painful or difficult situation, I play the Game of Gripes to Gifts. I ask myself: Even though I’m not feeling positive about this, what could be the [...]

Turn Stress into Success

Recall a time when you succeeded at something or overcame a challenge against the odds. A time when you excelled at something or won a victory you didn’t expect to win. It could be mastering a [...]

Our Decisions are more powerful than our DNA.

Our DNA is NOT our destiny. Our DNA is merely the beginning of a process – the raw clay. It’s our decisions, choices and lifestyles that create the sculptures in our lives. It isn’t what [...]