Earlier this year I was interviewed by Dean Mackin on Today’s News Talk about how our lifestyles can influence the expression of our genes. The key message is that our genes do NOT determine our [...]
I was recently interviewed on Radio National Life Matters about the physical and mental benefits of having something to look forward to. You can listen to our conversation here. Our discussion [...]
Recently I had a spirited conversation with Australian boxer, coach and motivational speaker, Tiffanee Cook on her podcast Roll with the Punches. We talked about what it takes to be truly [...]
At the close of each year, I reflect on what I could have done better over the preceding 12 months and how I might apply this insight to the year ahead. For 2023 the answer was glaringly obvious: [...]
Be careful what you think — our assumptions about ageing actually influence how we age. Harvard University psychologist Ellen Langer tested whether cultural stereotypes contributed to memory [...]
If you’ve read my previous Health-e-Bytes about the healing power of relationships, you know that simply talking to someone can improve our physical and mental wellbeing and it’s never been more [...]
You can! In fact, you can tap into the greatest minds from any period in history. On Thursday 12th November you’re invited to join Australian Reading Hour. Choose any hour of the day and choose [...]
Whenever I feel disappointed or encounter a painful or difficult situation, I play the Game of Gripes to Gifts. I ask myself: Even though I’m not feeling positive about this, what could be the [...]
Recall a time when you succeeded at something or overcame a challenge against the odds. A time when you excelled at something or won a victory you didn’t expect to win. It could be mastering a [...]
Our DNA is NOT our destiny. Our DNA is merely the beginning of a process – the raw clay. It’s our decisions, choices and lifestyles that create the sculptures in our lives. It isn’t what [...]
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