Many people have asked me what was the most interesting thing I learned at the Alzheimer Europe conference in Geneva. It was the impact of noise pollution on our physical health. A 14-year study [...]
Modern medicine needs to acknowledge that more than 80% of our health is determined by how we live our lives — the food we eat, the work we do, the stress we’re under, the quality of our sleep, [...]
I took this photo of the Picasso painting, Les Demoiselles d’Avignon, when I visited the Museum of Modern Art (MOMA) in New York earlier this year. The title refers to sex workers in Barcelona’s [...]
Why don’t we ever hear about the brain functions that IMPROVE with age? Yes, that’s right. Everything does NOT go downhill as we get older. Some — and only some — aspects of brain function may [...]
After last week’s HEB about replacing chips with nuts, I received a deluge of questions from people with nut allergies. The crux of their questions was: what’s the best thing to snack on if you [...]
High blood pressure (a reading above 120/80mmHg) is a leading cause of heart disease and a major risk factor for stroke, kidney problems and dementia. Consequently, people with high blood [...]
If you knew that doing something you loved — I mean really loved — could give you dementia, would you still do it? What if that ‘thing’ was playing your favourite sport? For instance, boxing, [...]
We have long known that people in their 70s and 80s who walk at a slower pace, die younger. Research has now revealed that injuries aside, walking more slowly in our 40s is also associated with [...]
Thank you so much to everyone who came to my live presentation at Tweed Heads last week. It was lovely to meet so many of you in person and I really appreciate your enthusiastic participation in [...]
Why does being able to balance on one leg matter? Poor balance is the leading cause of falling which is the second most common cause of accidental deaths after traffic accidents. And the [...]
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